5 Tips for Making Healthy Nutritionally Balanced Cuisine Recipes
Tips for Making Healthy Nutritionally Balanced Cuisine Recipes. There are many ways you can make healthy dishes with delicious flavors, one of which is to choose a variety of ingredients and spices, as well as ensure the correct processing method. This is because to cook healthy recipes, the way of processing also needs to be considered so that the nutritional content in the food is maintained. With the right processing process and diverse food intake, the dishes that Mom serves can meet the nutritional needs of the family. Let’s take a peek at the following tips for cooking healthy everyday recipes!

- Limit the Use of Fat Source Foodstuffs
The first tip to limit the use of food sources of fat is to reduce the addition of oil or butter in cooking. One way to do this is to use a cooking utensil, such as a non-stick skillet, or use a cooking brush when adding oil or butter to the pan. Some healthy recipes that can be cooked this way are Cheese Egg Rolls and Maggi-style Grilled Meatballs.
- Always Include Protein Sources in Your Diet
Protein source foods are very important to be consumed every day, Mom! This is because protein is a nutrient that is the main component of forming cells and body tissues that are important for the normal functioning of body organs to support health. Protein also plays an important role as a source of energy reserves in the body. Mom can choose food ingredients such as chicken eggs, quail eggs, various types of fish, chicken meat, or beef as a source of protein in the food menu at home. Recipes for healthy dishes with basic protein sources include Quail Egg Soup, Chicken Lawar, and Oyster Sauce Mushroom Tofu. - Process Vegetables Well and Correctly
Maintaining cleanliness as well as the nutritional content of vegetables is important to get the benefits and goodness of eating processed vegetable foods. Before starting to cook vegetables, you can clean them as follows:
Wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds;
Set aside the part of the vegetable that has wilted and changed color;
Clean and wash vegetables in running water;
Dry the vegetables by draining them or with a cloth to avoid the growth of bacteria.

After that, you can process vegetables in various ways according to your preference. If boiling vegetables, remember to set the time so that it is not too long, Mom. The goal is to maintain the nutritional content, quality, and texture of the vegetables.
- Choose Fresh Food Ingredients
When preparing meals for the family, remember to always choose fresh ingredients for both vegetables and protein side dishes. If Mommy plans to make a meal using side dishes such as chicken or beef, make sure it is fresh with the following characteristics:
The surface of the meat is shiny but not slimy;
The color of the meat is bright;
If held, the texture is chewy;
No strong fishy odor.
- Set a Balanced Food Portion
Make sure the food menu that Mommy serves contains balanced nutrition and uses a variety of food ingredients. Remember to always include carbohydrate sources, protein sources, fat sources, and vegetables in the family’s daily diet. Mom can combine carbohydrate sources with vegetables or look for carbohydrate food ingredients that are also rich in fiber, then make it in one delicious healthy cooking recipe, such as Maggi-style Long Bean Shrimp Belacan.
The healthy everyday recipes above will taste even more delicious if you add Maggi, which has a rich broth flavor combined with Indonesian spices. The block-like shape makes it more practical and easy to measure because one block can be used for 250ml of water, Mom! Well, is suitable for all types of cooking and is available at the nearest market.

These are some tips for making healthy, balanced nutrition recipes. Come on, practice immediately so you can serve nutritious food for your family!